Quick MIDI Questions


New member
Hey there :)

I just had a few quick MIDI questions.

1. The Cubase 5 feature comparison chart does mention that Cubase LE 5 does support basic MIDI functions, but when I view MIDI tracks in the program it does not seem as if I can add any effects. The comparison chart says that LE 5 does not come with any MIDI VST effects... my question is: would it be possible to download and use MIDI VST effects with Cubase LE 5 of are they unusable?

2. I'm fairly sure, and correct me if I'm wrong, that MIDI just tells the program what they keyboard is doing, and I know that with that information if can turn the MIDI input into triggers for sound. My question is where would I download/purchase sounds for my keyboard to trigger via MIDI? I'm thinking mostly techno/synth/trance sounds, but I wouldn't know where to get them.

Thanks in advanced :D
Not quite sure I understand the 'MIDI effects' question. Your MIDI keyboard triggers VSTi instruments via your DAW (Cubase). You can add effects to a rendered VSTi track. MIDI makes no sound, therefore, nothing to add effects to.

If I understand you correctly, you need to purchase, or try out free VSTi software. Start here.
Yup. Download a Vsti, and run the installer. Open Cubase, then create an Instrument Track (VSTi) and open its GUI by clicking on the icon that looks like a piano keyboard in the Inspector Window. Be careful tho. Best advised to add one at a time and test (free ones). Many free VST can cause issues with DAW's (bad code writing). Blue screens of death and such. Trying one at a time will give you an idea of which to get rid of in case of issues.
OK, thats exiting :) considering there are so many free VSTi's out there. I will make sure though to be careful when downloading... wouldn't want any issues.

Thanks a ton Jimmy! Your always a great help :D
No problem buddy. I think I found new sense of spirituality through Tim Tebow and my Broncos lately! Feeling like sharing the faith! :D

From my experience, anything from NI is golden. Not cheap though. Just purchased 'Massive' for my boy who want to be Skrillex, for $200. You get what you pay for when involving VSTi's. The free ones can be quite limited. Of course, so is money for most of us....
Man I love Tim Tebow, he's the best :) Broncos playing Patriots this Saturday, and I live in New England... who will I rude for?! :(

Anyway I looked up NI and I was just looking at KOMPLETE ELEMENTS... it's worth around $60. Do you think it would be worth it?

PS. I've decided dubstep is evil... some of it is cool stuff, but some of it just freaks me out!
Root for the winner! :D

It is a basic set of stuff to lead you to purchase more from them. Kinda like LE5. Maybe better than the HALionOne that comes with LE. Depends on what you are looking for tho. The really cool stuff costs more money. If I were you, I would play around with some free stuff, find what it is you like, then research and ask questions about how to get sounds you are looking for. Nobody can tell you what you like but yourself, and Tebow. :D

Yeah, most dubstep is pretty damn evil IMO. There is some great talent in the genre tho. Once again, just personal opinion there.
Good Idea! haha

Yeah, I'll definitely look around at alot of the free stuff... I've already found a few that I think would be work downloading... like SKANNER and Noise Maker. I was just looking at VSTi videos on youtube and I found a video of NI's razor. It looked amazing and it seems to be free... do my eyes deceive me or is there some hidden cost in razor? If I where to get Razor would I be able to use it in Cubase?
Um, watch out for free versions of software that are typically paid for man. I did a quick Google, and it looks like it is $79 from NI. Go further down the list and you find things like 'Filestube' giving it away free. Almost every software that has been out for a year or more, has some hack that cracked the serial number for it. If it comes from a website that is not the manufacturer, or a legit distributor, it is illegal software. Piracy (stealing software) is punishable by an eternity in hell. If an offer or download sounds too good to be true, it is.

Keep the faith man. Stay away from the thieves. :D
Um, watch out for free versions of software that are typically paid for man. I did a quick Google, and it looks like it is $79 from NI. Go further down the list and you find things like 'Filestube' giving it away free. Almost every software that has been out for a year or more, has some hack that cracked the serial number for it. If it comes from a website that is not the manufacturer, or a legit distributor, it is illegal software. Piracy (stealing software) is punishable by an eternity in hell. If an offer or download sounds too good to be true, it is.

Keep the faith man. Stay away from the thieves. :D

I see you're not asking young TC for nudie pics there Jimmy.....

And TC... as you'll learn, MIDI questions are rarely quick. :D
If an offer or download sounds too good to be true, it is.
Yes, no and possibly. I've always been a 'buy the VSTi software' man. It's healthier for the conscience for those of us that still have one or believe in the benefit of it. But there is some useful free honest stuff flying around in cyberspace. Depending on what you want of course. Because some of it is crap. I got a DSK sitar that would fill me with fury if I actually needed it. I have a bought mellotron VSTi {M~TRON ~ excellent} but I copped two free ones just to see what they were like and they're actually pretty good. They've got the 60s ropey mellotron sound and are slightly different from M~TRON. I also got a neat tenor sax set of samples from some guy called Simon DeSouza that he did himself. It's a good compliment to my mate's alto sax. And best of all, I saved myself a fortune on steel pan drums. I've got a couple of friends that play them but since their kids came along, they don't own any. I was going to buy a set and just station it here and I spent ages looking around. Then one day, I thought I'd look about to see if there was a steel pan VSTi that I could buy. And came across this one that this guy had sampled of his own playing. I listened to it and it sounded really good so I downloaded it and stuck it on a disc and loaded it into Sampletank.
It blew me away ! It was like being in Trinidad ! I couldn't believe this was free. I've got a very fussy ear when it comes to VSTis.