quick inquiry about pacific fs and yamaha stage customs


New member
I'm in the quick market for a new kit and have heard a bunch of good things about the Yamaha Stage Customs. But in the process of calling around, I had some people saying that perhaps the Pacific FS might be a better route. Anyone had recording experience with these kits. I'm aiming for a rounder tone than a bright one and am stuck at about $500 (give or take a couple $20s). Are there other kits around this billage that you may recommend over these for studio use?
Thanks in advance.

I have no experience of the Pacifics, but I am very happy with my Stage Custom set. This song was recorded with them (in my less than perfect garage)...

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Dave52 said:
I have no experience of the Pacifics, but I am very happy with my Stage Custom set. This song was recorded with them (in my less than perfect garage)...

Listen Here

what an awesome song! with a couple of nice crashes I think you'd have an awesome drum sound!
Thanks for taking the time to listen - I appreciate the feedback.

I use various Paiste cymbals, mainly 502s and 802s and Alphas, they're cheap but cheerful. :D