Quick info about M/S , Newbie question from a pro :p


New member
For some reason this is always something that gets me confused !

If I record straight into my DAW my side(+) and side (-) and middle do I still need to use a M/S Matrix plugin for decoding or have I already essentially created my matrix ?????

Also , here's a fun one , I am doing a M/S over my head 45 degree down at the kit , I don't like close micing toms but like the fullness of having them in the stereo space .

SO since my mid mic is OPPOSITE my overheads this would mean I should invert the phase on the MID mic right !?!?!?

Something to get the ol brain thinking on this fine sunday morn ;)

Your position of the MID mic looks odd to me.
Also...that doesn't look like an "overhead" placement for the M/S mics....more like a behind placement.
They should be up where that other single mic is in the picture...like right above your seated postion, over the snare area...IMHO.

I usually have the tops of the mics facing each other...in "+" fashion. You have them in "L" fashion with the Side mic Left/Right, but the MID mic's capsule facing out...I think it should be facing down.

Not sure why you think you need to flip the phase of the MID mic....?
One thing, if you flip the Side mic around, you can flip the Left/Right perspective of the entire drum kit.

AFA as the DAW matrix thing...some DAWs have M/S decoding prests....others, you need to create the matrix.
I always use and outboard preamp that has a built-in M/S matrix, so I've never needed to do anything specific in the DAW, but it's pretty easy to set one up.

Here's some basic how-to for Logic I just found on the Internet.

If i was to M/S record a kit i'd do it facing the kit and manually decode the signals.
However I'm sure there are better techniques for recording a kit without close micing.
I'm no expert. I havent recorded anything like as much drums as i'd like too.
Hi there

M/S using two mics can be decoded in the DAW.

The Mid mic (cardioid/omni) is the centrally panned signal in the M/S config.

Using the signal from the fig 8 (side) mic, you'll have one audio track which contains both positive and negative 'force' on the diaphragm.
The original one you have recorded we'll call the positive 'force' and will form, for argument's sake, the Left side of the stereo image.
You need to create a copy of the audio file and INVERT the copy (so you're looking at the signal on the negative side of the diaphragm), to create the Right side of the stereo image.
Pan the original one Left and the inverted copy to the Right, blend with the central mid signal and you have perfected M/S recording using two mics!

If I record straight into my DAW my side(+) and side (-) and middle do I still need to use a M/S Matrix plugin for decoding or have I already essentially created my matrix ?????

You have already decoded the side mic and all you have to do is balance the sides with the mid to taste.

If you record just one copy of the side (which I would do to use 1/3 less memory) you would then simply copy the track, invert the polarity of the copy and pan them apart. I suppose you could use a plugin but for me I can copy/invert/pan faster than I could insert a plugin.