Quick Green Day Cover, Mix tips?

Sounds good

The delay effect on the vocals is a bit much. The bass guitar is too muddy. The kick should occupy the low end (50-100hz) and its usually a good idea to cut those freqs from the bass. I'd also compress the bass a bit more too, helps to even out the dynamics. So you don't get big boomy hits once in a while. The drums sound good though, nice and balanced. The guitar tone is nice and clear. Overall a good listenable mix :) keep it up.
You have real timing issues with all three instruments. I think the snare sounds pretty average and is getting lost. And the vocal effect makes the singing seem like it's in another room. Less is more on that one...

Nice energy though... if it's just something to learn on, great, if you want to keep it, I'd retrack and sort out the timing.