Quick auestion from a noob


New member
Hey all, quick question. I'm looking to do some recording with a few friends and was interested in getting the Tascam DP-01FX - 8-Track Digital Portastudio (on a budget). My question is only having 2 mic inputs, can the drums be recorded to sound decent with the mics just set out from the set a little ways? I'm sure this has been asked before but I'm not very good at finding stuff on here yet. Thanks in advance.
Search Google or HR.com for "recorderman drums," it's an overhead micing pattern that captures the whole kit pretty well with two mics. I think there's a Youtube vid as well.

I started out using that machine. I would highly recomend getting started with it. I got some very decent sounds using it, you just need to be creative.

I miced up a kit, which bounced it down, and ran it through a yamah 8 channel mixer, and ran that into the inputs on the dp01 fxcd. You only get 2 channels to blend drums but it can work. Check out some sound clips if you want to, and if you have a minute. They were all recorded this way.


Hope this helps a bit.

I started out using that machine. I would highly recomend getting started with it. I got some very decent sounds using it, you just need to be creative.

I miced up a kit, which bounced it down, and ran it through a yamah 8 channel mixer, and ran that into the inputs on the dp01 fxcd. You only get 2 channels to blend drums but it can work. Check out some sound clips if you want to, and if you have a minute. They were all recorded this way.

Hope this helps a bit.

Hey, thanks for the info.
Just to add another question. I currently have the MobilePre USB setup. Could I get an 8-12 channel mixing board with outputs and run it into the 2 input on the MobilePre USB to record it on my PC with software?