Quetions on a new pop punkish recording


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The song is Joy Ride by Lock Step Go.

I recorded this ( http://www.lightningmp3.com/live/file.php?fid=4077 )
with a fostex mr-8 digital 8 track and a behringer eurorack $70 mixer.

I used an sm57 for snare, guitar/bass, vox and high hat and a generic cheap mic for crash and ride. And an MTV Kareoke mic for bass. (lost mic intended for bass drum)

So yea my quetion is:

I am looking into getting a laptop and firewire interface. I was recommended a behringer FCA202. Would these combined with a decent recording program produce better quality or would i need to upgrade bigger to improve my sound.

Also any feedback on the song would be greatly appreciated.
The bass drum sound is pretty dreadful & the bass guitar seems like a smear in the background.
You'll need a good external soundcard & rationalize your mic use to get better sound. Why lap top? They can cause a lot of compromises.
What you've recorded isn't too bad - except for the whole drum kit actually. It's lo fi but then that's ok for pop punk sketches.
Everything seems pushed to, & sometimes beyond, it's limits with this recording.
A good start but you'll need a small collection of reasonably good gear to get further along. I don't mean expensive either - you'll just have to be selective & buy from eBay etc.
Yea thanks, ive started looking on ebay for some gear and deffinetly a bass drum mic.

I want a lap top because the majority of the recording I do is away from home and I wanted a mobile set up.

Do you, or anybody, have any gear recomendations?
ConcreteHippo said:
Yea thanks, ive started looking on ebay for some gear and deffinetly a bass drum mic.

I want a lap top because the majority of the recording I do is away from home and I wanted a mobile set up.

Do you, or anybody, have any gear recomendations?

yes major suggestion. cheap and amazing for the price

cad 4 or cad 7 peice drum mic set. the 7 peice brand new is only $200! and the mic's inlcuded are all amazing for the price. they had a huge article and reveiw on 2 magazines about those mc's saying how good they are.

and if you want even cheaper... then go for the samson 54 peice. only $150, and on ebay you can get it with free shipping/5 cables and free shipping forlike $145 [thats whta i did haha]

theres many things you can do. how much money are you looking to spend? i can give a couple mic suggestions.

if you wana good mic for cheap, maybe look at the at2020, you cna use them as overhangs and also for vocals. and there only $100 flat.

ebay is my best bet with buying some new gear for cheap.
im looking to spend in the $500 for mics and stuff like that.

Yea i deffinetly need a drum mic set and those cad sets look pretty good for the price.

And yea i am deffinetly using ebay, ive seen some great deals.
ConcreteHippo said:
im looking to spend in the $500 for mics and stuff like that.

Yea i deffinetly need a drum mic set and those cad sets look pretty good for the price.

And yea i am deffinetly using ebay, ive seen some great deals.

thats your best bet. ebay ios amazing.

you could get the 7 peice cad mci set with 7 xlr cables for #200 free shipping if you do the right searching.

and then you have $300 for w/e else. you coul get a lot for $300