

New member
I'm going to start a duet with my bro' (he plays saxophone, keyboard, and a few other instruments). I'm wondering should I record a demo before tying to get gigs.
Nice to have...

...but if the gigs you're trying to get don't require one, then you won't need one!

Some places DO want to hear ya, others don't give a damn... if the deal you cut is "for the door", they may be less picky about wanting to hear ya first.... on the other hand, there are no rules about it........

You're better off having one, that way, it's there if you need it!

Yeah, CJ.

The advice Bruce gave you is correct.

You are better off being "prepared", just in case one of these venues requests a demo from you and your group.

Good luck :)

making a demo can really tighten up your sound, can hear what needs improvement or polish...even if you think you sound a certain way, a demo that you hear with your own ears can show you things you've never thought of....and a demo will look professional to the potential gig-givers as well.....gibs