Question when it comes to copyright issues


New member
So I found this beat made by another producer on soundclick and i like the beat a lot. I went into cubase and tweaked one of the default VST's and made almost the exact same sound. I then listened by ear until i found the exact notes played. If i wanted to use this melody in one of my songs would this be an issue do you think?
If it's copy written you could get sued if you don't have permission. When I recorded my fingerstyle versions of Wonderful Tonight, Dreamer, and Right Here Waiting for my CD, I went through the Harry Fox Agency to get the rights.
See, this is where composer creativity kicks in. Nicking a melody isn't an issue IMO if it's just a start point from which you flesh out something new. Or even so well disguised that you'd have to point it out, you know, like taking a melody and using it as a bassline or something and putting new stuff around it. Or even taking the same sequence of notes and stretching, slowing bits down, putting it into a new rhythm so no one can say "Oi !". But to just take the melody verbatim and make your song about it is theft really. And you can't really blame someone if they hauled you up into court for this.
If you like it so much, why not just do a cover ? :D
See, this is where composer creativity kicks in. Nicking a melody isn't an issue IMO if it's just a start point from which you flesh out something new. Or even so well disguised that you'd have to point it out, you know, like taking a melody and using it as a bassline or something and putting new stuff around it. Or even taking the same sequence of notes and stretching, slowing bits down, putting it into a new rhythm so no one can say "Oi !". But to just take the melody verbatim and make your song about it is theft really. And you can't really blame someone if they hauled you up into court for this.
If you like it so much, why not just do a cover ? :D

thank you and I think what i'll do is slow down certain notes like you said and add some other effects to make it less noticable.
I don't know....You should have asked Sir George Harrison about copyrights.
Boy did he get screwed!.!

What you're proposing is copyright infringement. Just write your own material - you're capable of better than just ripping people off...
What you're proposing is copyright infringement. Just write your own material - you're capable of better than just ripping people off...


You're saying "I didn't create this but I want to steal it, how do I do that so no-one can tell..."

Write your own stuff...

You're saying "I didn't create this but I want to steal it, how do I do that so no-one can tell..."

Write your own stuff...

half of all music today are remakes of other peoples work. I didn't say that at all so please read the OP before coming to that conclusion. Clearly asked if this was copyright infringement so i would know before i did anything with it. Never asked how to make it unrecognizable, that was brought up by another user.
So... It would be OK if we took some of your beats/melodies that we like and used them on our CD's?

This is assuming, of course, that you actually write any of your own stuff instead of just grabbing other people's work from the 'net... :rolleyes:

You didn't write it... They did... As soon as they put it in tangible form they have a copyright on the material.

If you use it without permission you are infringing on their copyright. If they registered their copyright they can bring a claim against you.

Who wins after that is up to the lawyers.

half of all music today are remakes of other peoples work.
That made me chuckle :laughings::laughings::laughings:

I didn't say that at all so please read the OP before coming to that conclusion...Never asked how to make it unrecognizable, that was brought up by another user.

Did ya now?? :rolleyes:
Cause this sure sounded like it to me...
thank you and I think what i'll do is slow down certain notes like you said and add some other effects to make it less noticable.