Question regarding the Motif ES6...


New member
There's a Guitar Center nearby selling a used one for about $850 and I'm thinking of snagging it. I have an old Yahama DGX-205 that I've basically used as a MIDI controller since I was given it for a gift because the sounds are so rinky-dink. So I'm in a hip-hop band and we've finally got a keyboard player. He's a very talented dude, but the problem is, he had to get rid of his keyboard. Now I'm thinking of purchasing this for him to use at practice as well as for me to use at home. So the question is...

Are the sounds outdated? Compared to the newer XF and XS models of Motifs, do the sounds just completely suck or are they still good, solid, realistic sounds?

I'm going to go and check it out in a day or two when I get the chance, I'm just interested in what you gurus think about 'em.

I own a Motif ES7, its an awesome keyboard. It will work most excellent for Hip Hop. In fact, it is one of the most powerful keyboards on the market for just that.

The Motif ES line has various "modes" the pattern and song modes will let you build beats easy. For $850 bones it's not a bad deal at all.

I'd suggest doing some Youtube searches.

I'll warn you though, it's got a pretty steep learning curve.

The best place for Motif info is

I have the MO8, same sound set, really nice instrument! I have all manner of soft-synths but I still go back to the Yamaha occasionally just because it has a wealth of nice sounds. Some of my favorites are the piano (duh), and various others.

The only thing You should be aware of is that a brand new MO6, which has the same sounds but fewer features, is going to be around the same price as what they are asking for the 6 or 8 year old kb you are talking about.
The nice thing about the Motif series is it has RAM that you can record or load sounds into. Motifator has boat load of sound libraries that you can listen to.