Question: ProteusVX N-track Delta 1010


Better Than You
Ok, I'm pretty new to midi. I've managed to record a midi track from my keyboard to N-track, and get it to trigger ProteusVX. The problem I'm having is trying to get the midi track to convert to a wav file. The warning I'm getting says that my sound card (Delta 1010), may not record from it's own midi output. I find that hard to believe. So, my question is, now that I have a recorded midi track triggering Proteus, how do I get the audio sounds coming from Proteus on to a track?
One answer is to route the output to an input and track it like an external instrument.

That said, you *should* be able to just internally route an output to an input, no?
I use Cubase and the only way I can do it is to solo the ProteusVX track then mixdown to a wave file and import that wave file back into the project. Cubase actually has the option to load the track into the project after it's done mixing down.

Other DAW's will have different methods, and I'm clueless about N-Track, but this method should work for all.