Question On Time Stretching?


New member
Okay so i'm using Adobe Audition 3.0 and my main goal with this program is to start making mash-ups of different songs similar to what girltalk does. The main problem i'm running into right now is obviously different songs are going to have different tempos and keys. The first thing I would assume that I need to do it sync both the songs tempos to a metronome, right? Then from there go about changing keys and what not. The only problem is I can't seem to match tempos up. What is the simplest way to get two tracks perfectly synced tempo wise? Is audition the best way to do it? Is there another program that would possibly be better for this step? Thank you for reading my post and any tips or info that might help would be greatly appreciated. - X_Discord_X
listening to the samples over each other, over and over and over and over and over again adjusting the tempo settings ever so slightly over and over and over and over and over again... then do that X 100 and you'll have a good 8 second loop for your song... then repeat.

i'm sorry i have no technical answer... that's just the way i do it... it hurts my grey matter, sometimes.

i make beats using a lot of samples so i know what you're going through. if anyone could answer this questions for Audition (or reaper) i'd be a happy young man and my headaches would probably go away, finally. :(
Okay so i'm using Adobe Audition 3.0 and my main goal with this program is to start making mash-ups of different songs similar to what girltalk does. The main problem i'm running into right now is obviously different songs are going to have different tempos and keys. The first thing I would assume that I need to do it sync both the songs tempos to a metronome, right? Then from there go about changing keys and what not. The only problem is I can't seem to match tempos up. What is the simplest way to get two tracks perfectly synced tempo wise? Is audition the best way to do it? Is there another program that would possibly be better for this step? Thank you for reading my post and any tips or info that might help would be greatly appreciated. - X_Discord_X

Listening and matching with tempo is the key. But I find this a stressful technique. What I suggest is that if you have control of the recording, start with beats or drums..and all timings are based on it..In this way, you can hardly out of sync.

If they are recorded songs already, your best bet is to hear it very carefully and slowly and get a timing out of it using metronome for example. Or use a song tempo analyzer such as this: