Question: Is a 30-watt amp head going into a 2x12 cab good enough for medium-sized gigs?

the DMT grid is real. however hard you push, it pushes right back. we pay for what we use. everything good needs replacing...
I cannot see any technical reason why the* AC30 works differentLY from other guitar amplifiers? The circuit is pretty much out of Mullard's data sheets. Conventional cathode bias (though a bit too hot in most marks) conventional PI. Nothing in that circuit to cause any snake oil fueled magic mojo!

*Then there is the question "which 'king A30 are you guffin about?!" I have very quickly found three schematic variants and there is one other at least with an EF86 front end I believe? Speakers are a huge part of a guitar amp's sound and the AC30 has gone through Goodmans (too feeble) Jensen and landed on Celestion Blues. So which is the "different from everything else" one? Of course, all valve guitar amps sound a bit different from each other due to many factors, not least component tolerances but they ALL WORK the bloody same!

Technically, the VOX AC30 is one of the few that don't have a global negative feedback that other guitar amps misaligned to make it have poor speaker dampening.
Technically, the VOX AC30 is one of the few that don't have a global negative feedback that other guitar amps misaligned to make it have poor speaker dampening.
Oh! So you're talking to me again then YBG'sB!

Lots of guitar amps don't have any NFB in fact I was surprised to find two out of the three schematics I found showed it.

Oh! So you're talking to me again then YBG'sB!

Lots of guitar amps don't have any NFB in fact I was surprised to find two out of the three schematics I found showed it.

you still on ignore. I was replying more to post 124 than your nonsense, that I put you on ignore in the first place over.

Most .tube amps will have it. Because its the only thing that is keeping them from self-destructing operating tubes way out of their range. Others like the VOX are hifi outputs. But like I said before, The output stage does very little to the sound unless you have something malfunctioning in it. And the cranked amp for the speaker flutter sound has more to do with the output transformer and negative feedback. And none of it was compression, just unloading effects of the output stage when limiting.

Like I said BGB lots of guitar amps don't have any OP stage NFB. the above is just one I picked out very quickly. I was also involved in a 15 and 30 watt design several years ago that also did not use any. Charlie's Dommies were not known to self destruct.


Like I said BGB lots of guitar amps don't have any OP stage NFB. the above is just one I picked out very quickly. I was also involved in a 15 and 30 watt design several years ago that also did not use any. Charlie's Dommies were not known to self destruct.

Honestly, you need to take some classes, and read more books, because the schematics you provided uses a resistor/cap for negative feedback in the cathode circuit.
The output stage of the walkins dominator is a hifi output stage. Usually tertiary winding outputs are usually in rack equipment and hifi outputs, but this is just a peculiarity.
Now, do you understand why I have ignored you.
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Tertiary windings on GUITAR amplifier output transformers? You are having a giraffe! These are not Quad2s!

Your seem to know everything about everything BGB so maybe you have done some consultancy work for a guitar amplifier company we might know of? Or maybe your planet sized ego stopped you getting through the door?

Anyway, carry on ignoring me...doing a bang up job thus far.

Tertiary windings on GUITAR amplifier output transformers? You are having a giraffe! These are not Quad2s!

Your seem to know everything about everything BGB so maybe you have done some consultancy work for a guitar amplifier company we might know of? Or maybe your planet sized ego stopped you getting through the door?

Anyway, carry on ignoring me...doing a bang up job thus far.

Well, if I wasn't almost blind I would be and IF there was a job available. Btw, I misread the schematic earlier, but I corrected my statement. This happens when I have get help and have to draw it in my head after someone describes it to me what is on the screen. I apologize that I don't have people skills.
Well, if I wasn't almost blind I would be and IF there was a job available. Btw, I misread the schematic earlier, but I corrected my statement. This happens when I have get help and have to draw it in my head after someone describes it to me what is on the screen. I apologize that I don't have people skills.
If by "I don't have people skills" you admit to being and egotistical know-all then DON'T come on forums and upset people. Go live in a cave! I have been here since 2009 and I like to think I am appreciated? I have helped a few people out with technical problems. I know my limitations. I am clinically deaf, 2 aids and therefore you will not see me posting in the MP3 forum or commenting on mixes or mastering. I have enough hearing to enjoy music and am grateful for that. (but only 3 strings of the violin and the top octave of the piano is just clunks to me)

I am sorry for your sight issues. I too have lost most of my sight in my left eye (ARMD) and have to have injections in the right to keep that working. I therefore have very poor near sight depth perception and soldering now is a trial.But, at 78.5 I am WAY better off than many.

I accept your apology and if you wish to start again with a clean slate with some mutual respect I am willing.

I accept your apology and if you wish to start again with a clean slate with some mutual respect I am willing.
Thank you. I didn't want to tell anyone about that. Hopefully soon I get some of my eyesight back through surgery. Because I had to find a new doctor and had to go back to the VA and after two years, I finally am in line to have something done. I'm pissed off at a lot of things in the world, but I am dealing with most of it. Other things, I have to use political channels to fix, even though politicians screwed things up. But that is a long story, and this isn't a place to discuss that. Even though it impacts everyone especially in the US.
More than enough
That's what I'm thinking.

I'm not a guitar player in real life, but I have a 50 watt amp and if that thing goes passed 2, the neighbors are calling the cops.
I figure a 30 watt amp would be that loud at 4 or 5 at most.

But what do I know. I primarily just hit shit.
Dont sell yourself short man.
The guitar playing I've heard on your recordings sounds great.
I'm a singer/guitarist and I have a Friedman mini 30-watt amp head, I'm looking to buy a 2x12 for punk gigs, and want to know if that would be loud enough for a ~350-person venue. I'll be keeping up with a drummer and a bassist. I have a 1x12 for garage rehearsals but I'm looking for some volume. It's going into a humbucker-equipped Squier Stratocaster and no pedals. Idk if that changes anything but just in case.
Should be plenty.