question about tascam dp 008 ex


New member
Hi. I have a question:
Hi. I am using my first file in this device using partition 1, but when ready to apply automatic mastering and listening through the rehearse button before executing this operation in my new Tascam dp 008 ex, the tracks 3 and 8 where I recorded chimes, don't sound in the final result as it happens with the other tracks. So I decided to bounce the 8 used tracks to tracks 1 and 2 as stereo to clon these chimes' tracks in previous used ones, to make them sound in the master process by using more tracks of the same chime sound, but when saving the original track (before mastering), to make a copy of it with a new name, the device deletes the previous original file in the song list, so I cannot have two copies just in case something goes wrong when cloning. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.