Question about sustain over multiple bars?


New member
I am playing with the Ableton Live demo version and I get the basic sample/loop functionality and have gone through a bunch of demos and even have RTFM. But there's one basic concept I don't get.

Say I have a drum bit for instance in the chorus that ends in a cymbal splash. I want that splash to sustain through the first bar or two of the next verse. How the heck do you overlay something like that?

Maybe it's in a demo or a portion of the manual I've missed - if so can you please point me to it, thanks!
if its a loop then things are far more difficult...if the loop itself has the sustain Id overlap it with another track...if not the Id automate some delay and reverb on the final part of the loop...but remember that automation works differently on send effects that those directly applied to the drum loop within its own track
Thanks for the reply. I think maybe my explanation of what I'm trying to do is probably flawed, but I'll try to explain further.

Here is an example. I have a 4/4 drum loop used for a chorus, I want it to repeat 4 times for the chorus. Then, I have a different drum loop used for the verse. After that 4th bar of chorus loop I switch to the verse loop.

However, say that on the 4th beat of the last loop of the chorus, I want to hit a crash cymbal, and say that crash naturally sustains through 6 or 8 beats. I don't get how to lay that crash in properly so it continues to sustain through those 6 to 8 beats of the verse loop.

Does that make sense?