Question about software


New member
Hello, Just wondering if anyone has bought any cheap software that they have been very plesantly pleased with? I haven't bought my software for my setup yet, and I don't have much money to spend on this. Any help is greatly appreciated. thanks
Mackie Traction 2.1 is a Good program and it is the one I use as it is extremely easy to use and very flexable but if you are Broke you might want to check into "Audiacy" or "Krystal" or "Reaper" as they are all very functional freeware programs.....

Didn't we discuss Reaper before? If not, it's still in beta and is still free.

Here's a --- LINK --- to the most current version.

It's gotten MUCH more stable in the recent versions and they seem to be upgrading it with deadly regularity.

You can get notified by KVR when they post a new update by first joining KVR, then choosing to watch Reaper.
ssscientist said:
Didn't we discuss Reaper before? If not, it's still in beta and is still free.

Here's a --- LINK --- to the most current version.

It's gotten MUCH more stable in the recent versions and they seem to be upgrading it with deadly regularity.

You can get notified by KVR when they post a new update by first joining KVR, then choosing to watch Reaper.

Seriously try REAPER first before buying any of those program
if your okay with linux give ardour a try, im pretty sure the dyne:bolic distribution (which is an operating system like windows) had ardour already included
BadAE said:
Seriously try REAPER first before buying any of those program
yeah, I downloaded Reaper (the only one I was able to) and am using it, and surprisingly happy with it. There's one problem, I've imported some midi files for tracks and need them to play with th audio tracks. they don't. I've tried obvious stuff like unmuting/volume, selecting the track. I can't seem to get it to play. any suggestions?