question about mixing


New member
um when i mix one of my songs,do i keep the guitar off center on one side or keep it off center on left and right??

i put the guitar at 10 o clock to the right and also to the left to create the stereo image,do i pan them all the way to the left/right or just off center to the left???
There are no "rules" about it as such - it's a judgment call.... do whatever your ears tells you sounds good.....

Here's an article of mine that may give you some tips....
carlpony351 said:
um when i mix one of my songs,do i keep the guitar off center on one side or keep it off center on left and right??

i put the guitar at 10 o clock to the right and also to the left to create the stereo image,do i pan them all the way to the left/right or just off center to the left???

uselly rytheme guitar are pan to the left and right, lead and bass uselly sit in middle. sometimes people pan the lead part to the left or right to let it stick out better in the mix.

Last session i just did I recorded guitars. then moved the mics to the right side of the amp, then re recorded them. As long as the guitar player can keep a solid strumming pattern, i got a really nice stereo image out of it.
cavedog101 said:
Do not be confused by rules young Jedi....there are no rules....

There are too rules, but you have to understand the rules inorder to break the rules. So you know what the hell you just did incase you wanna do it again :)
Also depends on how the guitar is functioning in the particular song.

For instance, if you were recording a solo performance of vocal + acoustic guitar, you wouldn't tend to pan the guitar hard to one side, because it would sound very un-natural.

In a rock rhythm guitar part, if the rhythm guitars were double tracked it would be natural to pan them wide to each side. But if you only had a single rhtyhm guitar track, while you still might pan it some, you probably wouldn't pan it as far.
What you know you can't explain, but you feel it.

You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world.

You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.

The Record Industry is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

I'm trying to free your mind, Carlpony351. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.

Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.

Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

Free Your Mind.

I'm really sorry everybody, just kind of had a "Matrix" moment there.:D
Little Dog,

Do you have some songs of yours up somewere on the web that I can hear? perhaps with a list of gear as well that you used for it ? ").
littledog has a Radio Shack mic and a Behringer mixer and a Soundblaster sound card......

(trying to blow the bruthas cover)
Gidge said:
littledog has a Radio Shack mic and a Behringer mixer and a Soundblaster sound card......

I'll be in Boston in July. Set it all up and lets let it rip.....rock.... rot?:)
ok i sent it all to hell and put them to the left and right and everything else in the middle.

it's rock so i guess the left/right is good and vocals center and bass center and pretty much everything else centered.

well i'll upload some songs this weekend but for now i have some up already

check it out
oooooo - multi-busted!!!! ouch!

Anyway, Shailat, I have no idea if any of my work is on the web or not, since once the client leaves with their finished project, they are free to put it on the web or not, and I've never thought to ask them if they have or not. So there may well be, but I honestly don't know.

But more interesting to me is the fact that you will be in Boston in July. PM me with details as your plans firm up. I'll be happy to give you a tour of the doghouse, and/or if you prefer, a boat ride.

Then you can see for yourself how I work magic with my Oktava 219's, Phonics mixer, and T-Racks. ;)