Question about College


New member
I plan on attending college for audio production. I'm quite new to making beats and only recently got the hang of it. My question is should i take classes before attending college to learn the software better?
Get in touch with the college you plan on attending and ask them what an incoming student's expected skill/proficiency/experience level is.
Nobody here can tell you what they think you ought to know.
I plan on attending college for audio production. I'm quite new to making beats and only recently got the hang of it. My question is should i take classes before attending college to learn the software better?

With a reputable college they will actually have you pass some type of audition for certain classes, if not----they don't give a flying doughnut hole about you and just want your money and you can drop out after not being able to keep up or comprehend the work load.

gota echo what's been said before....

the college are gonna determine what level you're at and whether or not you're ready for that level of education....

if they don't,,,,it's either a very basic level course, or there's something wrong!

look into the modules/course content if you can, and see what work is planned and what tools they'll expect you to use....

i only jumped ship to protools cos my college used it,,,,but in hindsight, it was worth taking the time to prepare.