Question about channel strips


New member

got a small question about channel strips (like the Pro Tools 10 channel strip).

When do you guys use it? All the time on every track, or does it vary?

It seems like if you have a channel strip then you would use it on every track since it has everything already in it (saves CPU-resources amongst other things).
Also others have said they use it when recording..

Just thought i´d ask before i go sticking a channel strip on every track
If you mean software only, nah. But if the tool set works for you and saves cpu, why not.
Right off I think I'd miss the choice of trying out or picking paticular flavors of compressors for tracks for example. (That'd be a more offten that not for me.) -then there's the fair amount of tracks that get nothing inserted..
I don't have a channel strip plug, and often I use the exact compressor and EQ on almost all of my tracks. Those are the basic Cubase 5 comp and a free parametric that I found a while ago (can't remember the name off the top of my head). I decided some time ago to stop with the free plugin hunt and just learn a couple processors really well. They may not have too much sonic variation, but I got used to them and know how they handle different sounds. In that regard, if you learn the channel strip, it seems easier than pulling up multiple plugs for each channel that would end up there anyway. Even better if it saves on CPU.
Just my 2 cents
Channel strip user here
For mixing I will tend to use VST Plugin channel strips on tracks where processing is needed simply because everything is in one plug and gives me a level of consistency
For really important tracks such as a snare or vocal or lead guitar I might use a separate compressor if the track needs some kind of "flavor", but will still often use the channel trip for EQ and filters
If the the track doesn't need any processing then I don't see a need to put a VST plugin on it at all so don't just slap a channel strip on everything

For tracking (recording) purposes I see no need for a VST plugin channel strip since it will not effect the recording at all. however I might use a hardware channel strip such as the UA 6176 or LA-610 or ART voice channel which have a preamp some EQ and compression that effect the signal before it hits the computer and is recorded
I wouldnt use pro tools channel strip on every track I would use a VST modeled plugin like that like the SSL channel strip. I use the PT channel strip anytime I wanted EQ and comp all in one plug with not alot of DSP really