Question about bass trap size

Oh! Henry

New member
I'm in the midst of sound proofing my room (which is rather small 12 x 10) and was planning on making some removable bass traps out of rock-wool. I just saw an ad where I can get a bunch of commercial bass traps for 160$ which would cover the 4 corners in my room, however they are not that wide, about 8.5 inches wide, where as my home made ones would be more than twice that.

Will these commercial bass traps be any good? Will they have a decent effect on reducing the bass in my small room, or am I better off making my own wider traps?

about 8.5 inches wide ... Will these commercial bass traps be any good?

Not only are they too narrow to "be any good," they're so narrow that it's not appropriate to even call them bass traps. Are these meant for sale to hi-fi types as opposed to studio people? Too-small acoustic products are common for that market.

Thanks Ethan,

I had a nagging suspicion that this was gonna be the case, but I wanted to validate with the pro's!!

I think I'll stick with my original plan to build my own bass traps.