Question About Bass Pre-Amp and Toms


New member

I am recording my first rock band project with a drum kit, guitar, bass, and vox. I have a few extra bucks to spend on gear if someone could spot something specific i could check out.

I have:

2 SM 81's, SM57, SM58, D112, Rode NTK, Audix D series 1,2,and 4 for toms, and 2 MXL 603's. Also a DBX 166XL, Samson S-Comp, Behri Composer, Focusrite Voicemaster Pro, and a Lexicon MPX 100 going to a Tascam FW 1884.

I am going for an Incubus sort of mix.. i want clear even drums punchy kick and a tight snare... as far as drums go.

My Questions:

What are some of the things you guys do to spice up your toms. Compression, Gates, EQ?

Also i was thinking about buying a DI for bass.. thinking of mayber a Sans-Amp or something else. Are there any boxes out there anyone can recommend for getting a tight bass recording down? I would be willing to drop 200 on this. Any one have any ideas?!


- Mike
As far as your drum recording goes, there's a lot that goes into it--from drum tuning to playing style to mic position, preamps, the room, etc. Plan on spending a good amount of time getting sounds before you go to print the tracks. Play around with mic position to get the best sound you can. If you can't get a sound you like, try a bit of compression at that point, but you may find you don't need it. The problem with compressing drums on the way in is it can't be undone later if you find it doesn't work in the mix. You can always add compression through your DAW or route the track out and back in through your outboard compressor if you want to go for a different sound.

And yeah, the Sansamp bass DI is nice.