

New member
Hello All !

Hoz life? Hope you are as usual restless and very bizi with your projects, i only can say that take good care of urselves and some how acoustically treat whole world like that, so we get balance in each frequencies. Well i have certain questions, if you get time try to reply me:

1. Can I use Pure wool quilts for sound proofing and isolation.

2. This insulator can be used for bass traps, panel observers and slot resonator wall?

3. Is there any formula to identify acoustc balance in all frequencies?

Waiting for your answers.

With regards !

I don't think pure wool is dense enough.

Remember, the secret of soundproofing is MASS. Fiberglass/Rockwool (the stuff we put in our roofs most of the time - maybe not in india...) has been shown to have really good sound soundproofing and absorbing qualities.

Also, Rockwool is fire retardant (it won't catch fire) - wheras wool may catch fire a lot easier. Something to consider.

Any comments from the other homewreckers?
i am trying to get it

i am trying to get it here in india, although glas wool is available here ans used my many studios I think in India. Even on studio gates people use to put same glass wool and crushed glasses. Hey rochey i was thinking something late night that can we break all parallel things in studio like furniture must be take care for same, carpets too and other thing too, it makes any sense.
