Quantizing in Cubase


New member
I just purchased Cubase V4 and I have no clue what I am doing. I was curious to know if you could quantize audio data as well as midi data. I see a section for MIDI but was more interested in quantizing audio similar to pro tools.

Any tips or hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!:)
I'm no expert but I didn't think it was possible to quantise audio... cut, splice and nudge maybe? Are you talking about multiple samples or do you mean a single waveform?
if the C4 copy is legit there should be a pdf version of the manual on your machine... look for audio warp and working with hit points...
You can quantize audio, you have to cut it up first and then send the pieces to where they go (there is a button for this) them fill in the gaps and crossfade. I do it all the time.
I don't think you need to cut it up anymore since it has the warp feature. I'm not too familiar with the ins and outs of quantizing as it's not something i do too often, but i have taken older tunes that weren't recorded with a click, so the timing fluctuates a bit, and brought it in line with a click using the warping tools and hit points etc.
I don't think you need to cut it up anymore since it has the warp feature. I'm not too familiar with the ins and outs of quantizing as it's not something i do too often, but i have taken older tunes that weren't recorded with a click, so the timing fluctuates a bit, and brought it in line with a click using the warping tools and hit points etc.
I normally only quantize raw drum tracks. If you use warp, it will result in phase problems between all the different tracks. This happens because, in an effort to make everything sound natural, it will warp each separate track a little differently. So the bleed in each mic will have slightly different timing. It's a nightmare.