
pretty cool stuff. how did you record the violin instruments? there is something that i cannot put my finger on. almost like the guitar picking at the beginning sounds like a harpsicord or somthing, i don't know. I'm gonna give it another listen when i have mroe time.
I love the composition, I only wish I could hear it with some higher quality samples. Whatever synth your using doesn't do this piece justice.
Oops, I just realized you had more songs. I am really enjoying your stuff. Again, some of the instruments/samples really could be of higher quality, and I think that is all that is standing in your way to having some top notch recordings. One I noticed in particular is the horn lead in "Reflections". Everything is generally pretty clean sounding, but that instrument is distracting. Not in composition or level, just the tone/sound.

Very well done overall, I'd like to know when you finish everything. I think you'll have a pretty phenomenal album.
That will change my friend very soon...but I have no regrets...
What I have learned from outdated equipment is priceless...
Anyone I am sure would agree that technology can allow anyone to sound professional...with the right price...but breaking the barriers and composing beyond one's means can only be accomplished through fortitude that can only be truly sought through "struggle"....combined with "adversity"...
I am from the "old" school....

Without question the "horn" track will be re-recorded...however the emotion is still retained...some can look past its quality...others cannot...
But you are correct in its shortcomings...and I appreciate your honesty...
When I am capable of recording in pure 32pcm quality...I should be able to double the orchestra...and fulfill what I intentionally conceived....
Keep in mind, when I give comments on this board I'm usually being hypercritical and probably excessively picky. I didn't mean to undermine my appreciation of your compositions, I am only making observations about any areas of improvement I can see. The emotional impact is indeed present throughout all of your pieces, which is why they are attractive to me. I am merely suggesting what might even further intensify and bring out your intentions.

But again, any criticism of your recordings is merely a matter of more or less icing on a very well formed cake. I look forward to hearing more of your work.
I thank you once again for your kind words and please I was not in any way offended...for your observations were very correct...
Did you happen to stumble upon the old recording I posted...?
Collision Of Time...?
Tascam recording believe it or not...
But I will be revisiting this one soon...(12 years since I now have decided to re-record it)...

Email me and I will see to it you are one of the first to have anything new...
Sometimes I just post something for an hour or so just to test sound streaming quality...