q about recording using cubase sx


New member
i have cubase sx. I record using a TASCAM US-122, and i have a nice condenser microphone...so i have everyhting i need to record. I just really need to know how to get that professional sounding sound, and how to be able to get that pro sound with the instrumental music with it. I do Pakistani/Indian music, so its really sing songy...and i just really need to know how to get that really nice sound using cubase sx. Like which filters i need to use, reverb...all that stuff. Thanks!
First off, you need to realize that there isn't anyone out there that is going to tell you a "magical" method to get an amazing recorded album in only a few hours. Those great, professional recordings are created by engineers who have expereince after years of doing it, a great ear and dedication to what they do. Now, to get you started take a look at an article BlueBear always suggests:

Good luck.