Putting 1/3rd rack units into a rack


New member
OK possibly stupid question, but I've got a couple of 1/3 rackspace bits of gear (firebox and RNC) that I'd like to get off my desk and into the rack under it.

Is there something out there specifically made to hold them in place, or should I just get a rack shelf and velcro them on it?
The RNC is tapped on the bottom with a hole (or maybe more than one ... I don't remember) that you can use to screw it perfectly in place on one of those "universal" rack trays that have a bunch of holes in them. I also don't remember exactly which universal rack tray I have, but it's probably from Raxxess or Middle Atlantic. Anyway, it's pretty easy both to figure out and to do.

Funk Logic also makes trays specifically designed to hold two RNCs and other FMR products.

The Funk Logic things are more "fun," I guess, but just an ordinary universal rack tray works fine (a little better, actually, in that you can get three units on it). If I were getting a Funk Logic product, it would be a 3P-III Palindrometer.