puttin the pieces together


New member
Hey folks, Im lookin for some suggestions.
I've been using a tascam 488MKII and I just bought a new computer...... but its an HP pavilion. Figuring that I should dip my foot into digital, I was gonna get an interface, software, etc. and set up a digital workstation.
Well, I'm really not to bright with computers and I've already changed my mind - gonna try somethin else.
Can I.......
-Get SONAR and use the STOCK SOUND CARD from hp and transfer EACH INDIVIDUAL TRACK to the computer for mixing?

- would I need to buy a better sound card to even consider this?

- Can the tracks on the Tascam NOT be sent idividually and must be transfered as a full mix?

I sure theres more to ask, but this will get me started

Yo Moose-joints:]

Instead of doing all of the connecting and interfacing, why not look at some SIAB's? [Studio in a box]

You can do the whole thing, then burn your CD all in the same box.

I use the Yam 2816 -- very good sound quality once you get over the learning curve. Easy to do CD's but a little challenging getting used to the tracking.

There are other units: Korg, Fostex, and the baby brother of the Yam 2816, the AW16, as well as the 4416. You can easily check them all out on the net and view the chatter on the units at various sites.

I like the SIAB because it's all in the digital domain. Just a suggestion.

Stay loose "da" Moose.

Green Hornet:D :p :cool: :D
The Green Hornet said:
Yo Moose-joints:]

Instead of doing all of the connecting and interfacing, why not look at some SIAB's? [Studio in a box]

You can do the whole thing, then burn your CD all in the same box.
I would NOT get a "studio in a box". Sonar is just so damn much better to work with (IMHO)! :D
But I would definitively get a better soundcard. Check out M-Audios cards, especially the Audiophile 2496.

Maybe you can transfer one track at a time, but that's up to how reliable the motor in the Tascam is. The most likely thing to happen is that that the track will drift apart since the motors speed isn't constant, so maybe you're just better off by recording the whole mix.
Yo Moskus of Norway: Prosit!

Now, now, the SIAB units do very good work. I can't comment on the Radar which spelled backwards is radar, a palindromic word.

I've owned two 488 Tascams 8 track tape units. It's a good unit and I've remastered stuff I did on tape via the 2816 and it came out pretty darned good.

Some of us like the PC method and some like the SIAB method and some like just a plain old 4 track taper to taper off.

I only suggest one looks at and evaluates ALL types of units and then, through the process of lixiviation, a choice will be made and then paid and then played.

Green Hornet:D :p :p :D
Yo Moskus of Norway: Prosit!

Now, now, the SIAB units do very good work. I can't comment on the Radar which spelled backwards is radar, a palindromic word.

I've owned two 488 Tascams 8 track tape units. It's a good unit and I've remastered stuff I did on tape via the 2816 and it came out pretty darned good.

Some of us like the PC method and some like the SIAB method and some like just a plain old 4 track taper to taper off.

I only suggest one looks at and evaluates ALL types of units and then, through the process of lixiviation, a choice will be made and then paid and then played.

Green Hornet:D :p :p :D
PS: The more patching one does to a signal the more things happen to the signal before it gets to where it is going. GH

YO Hornet "The Buzzin Bougah!
yup, I've looked at stand alone boxes (788 and BR8) but I dont think its my thing. (figured, I got a Computer=gonna use it) but I DO like that yamaha!
I like that audiophile!! thats my next buy! thanks Moskus
VERY good point about variable speeds on the 488! I hadnt even thought of that.

OK, so now i've got :
Hp computer
audiophile card

How am I lookin?:cool:
Yo non-arthritis joints:]

When I used the 488, I ran the deck at its fastest speed all of the time -- made for much better fidelity.

So, whatever makes you happy. If I were to be buying some new set-up, I'd drive to a vendor, like Sweetwater Sound in Indiana, and get a listen to the gear before I dropped the cash.

Then, there is the "learning" curve. All units have that built in due to ugly manuals. Well, brother, jump in and have fun -- that's what music is--FUN.

Green Hornet
The Green Hornet said:
Yo Moskus of Norway: Prosit!

Now, now, the SIAB units do very good work. I can't comment on the Radar which spelled backwards is radar, a palindromic word.
Yo Green Hornet

Just thought I should comment "the other side" of homerecording. Nothing personal.. :D

Well, that is what this forum is for!!!

"When I used the 488, I ran the deck at its fastest speed all of the time -- made for much better fidelity."

I've never thought of that, a true example of why this site ROCKS!