Pushing a Preamp


The truth is out there!
Ok, silly question...does it hurt the preamp to push it to where it's clipping? I like the sound of my GAP on the verge of clipping, and then having the little red light come on for the peaks. It gets some distortion and sounds pretty cool for a couple of things.

I just want to make sure this isn't going to hurt the equipment. I don't think it does. right?
Hey man, I don't know the answer to this but I'm going to bump this just out of curiosity. Maybe you'll have better luck with this post in a different category.
Yeah I thought I was in the rack but I guess I was accidentally in mics, if someone could move this thatd be great.
It won't hurt it.

Though: It's possible to push something in the signal chain so that you create transients and frequencies that could blow a tweeter or otherwise damage your monitors. And ... of course: there are any number of ways to damage your ears.

For a somewhat ancient story on the same subject, see the liner notes for the CD reissue of "Here Are the Sonics!!!"
Yeah, I put a pad on the preamp when I do this and bring the volume down on the interface to make sure it doesn't clip in the DAW and so I won't damage speakers and ears.

Thanks, I'll keep cranking it.
As long as the thing that's being recorded is aware of that point that they start to clip and can work it. I tend to push mine until it clips, then back down one, so it doesn't. Back down two if it's a performance. Once you add extra gusto for a live gig, plus audience noises, it works out (most times). You're better off playing it safe IMO. You can always add distortion in post. But I guess it depends on your genre of choice.
I don't mess with live sound, I leave that up to others. When I'm recording I can add some distortion after, and I've gotten some cool sounds reamping through a guitar amp. But, cranking the preamp on purpose sounds cool too, just another option.
Reamping is very cool Aaron.
I'm lucking enough to be within 10 minutes of two colleges that let me do all kinds of experiments on campus.
One thing is allowing me to reamp in a five story concrete fire escape stairway!
One of a kind verb and sound there. ;)
One thing is allowing me to reamp in a five story concrete fire escape stairway!
One of a kind verb and sound there. ;)
This has Heartbreak Hotel written all over it when Elvis recorded it in a stairwell at Sun Studio.