punk song... comments? suggestions?


New member
here is a song that has only had a rough mix done...

just want to get some feedback from the kind folks on here.
I'm not a fan of punk music, but I know for the genre this sounds really good.
I'm not too crazy about the guitar tones, but as I said I think it works for this kind of music. I particularly like the sound of the toms. I don't know why I noticed that specifically, I just did.... :)
Okay, I also like the bass playing a lot, sounds cool.
Yeah, I love that bass line! I think you could bring it up a bit, that's the hook for me.

I'd like the snare to have a bit more impact. Maybe some eq to bring out the top end?

I'd like another verse too...it's too short.

Sounds pretty good for a rough mix.
Dood, that's pretty kick ass. If you made an album I would actually listen to it. The bass was pretty insane. I liked it. Good solid sound. The one thing I didn't like was that your intro was overly long, going through the first few chords. Also the splash cymbal in the intro sounded a little out of place to me. Maybe that's just me. The singer has his sound down though.
...I actually meant to mention that about the intro as well. Seems kinda long, I think I would prefer a song like this to get to the point a little faster if you know what I mean. No offense, cause it's a cool song. Maybe you could make up for the lost time with another verse! ;) ....just a thought.

yeah, not much we can do about the length of the intro or the arrangement now...
but thanks for the mix tips
is that a lost/half hidden solo at about 40 secs?

Great track, great take! A bit of Mega City 4 over it.

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The mix sounds really good, and the song is pretty swell too. The vocals get a little soft at sometimes, but its still cool.
Very good song. I agree with metalhead on the guitars, but it may not fit the song if they were beefed up, so.....

Sounds are mixed pretty evenly. Sounds pretty cool, and actually, one of the first "punk" style songs I've heard in a bit that wasn't way overpolished. Can't bitch about anything myself, as it was done pretty well.
the overall sound was very good, not a huge fan of the "clean" guitar in the intro.. it seemed to stick out too much; maybe back off on it a little bit. the other thing is the backing vocals i'd like to see blended into the mix a little more, they seemed a little high. for chanty backing vox i like them to be a little buried so it's hard to tell how many people are chanting; it just seems "fuller" to have them mixed lower, i guess.

overall, good songwriting and it's definitely worth putting on an EP.