Public Mix Contest #5

Well Guys PMC 6 has fallen into my lap. WIll have tracks up shortly.

This one is a bit simpler, fewer tracks to manipulate. :)

Well Guys PMC 6 has fallen into my lap. WIll have tracks up shortly.

That was 12 hours ago!!! Tell us... what is the genre??? When are tracks gonna be available?? Inquiring minds want to know!!!! ;) ;)
turnitdown said:
That was 12 hours ago!!! Tell us... what is the genre??? When are tracks gonna be available?? Inquiring minds want to know!!!! ;) ;)

gee, calm down dude LOL!! I'm sure Bryan tried to get some zz's at some point;)

Bryan doesn't need sleep.... he's a 24 hour music machine!!!!!! :D :D
(He's also living proof that you can get fantastic results w/ Behringer gear, if you got the skills.... Have you heard his stuff, and looked at his gear list??? Wow! I guess I have to stop blaming my Behringer T-Shirt for my crappy mixes!!! :) )
ROFL That is hilarious.

Actually for the contest these files were tracked (vocals) with an ART Tube MP.

The newer stuff (grateful) on the site was with the Behringer gear.

I am zipping the files as we speak. And will be uploading it to rawtracks Server shortly. Stay tuned for the new post. :)

Hey Fin will be back with a short PMC 6.5 mix later this month and unless someone is doing # 7, I will have that covered with a country rock tune.

PMC 6 will be more of a pop track :) (I guess. ;) )
I wouldn't mind recording something for you guys to mix, see what sort of job you could do on one of my numbers....If you want that, let me know......