Psycho Llamas in Space on Acid


2 headed snake witha rake
Hey guys,
something kind of different I'm working on... sort of a space rock that turns Techno rock at times. Any comments/tips/ideas are welcome :)

Psycho Llamas in Space on Acid

VERSE: A Shark who can sing underwater, surf porn with kangar00s, doing sheep in space, mad rabbits on drums, and dogs using weedwackers
CHORUS: Psycho!!! llamas!!! in space!! on Acid!!


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Killer tone, and killer playing man.......nice vibe. It's a Snake tune all the way. :D

What can I say man...I dig it. :D
Dogman said:
Killer tone, and killer playing man.......nice vibe. It's a Snake tune all the way. :D

What can I say man...I dig it. :D

"Dogs using Weedwackers!" had to mention that in the song too :D

Anyway, thanks for comments man, appreciate it! Haven't messed much with techno/rock mixes before, I think there may be some low end conflicts and other things I could improve, I might have to compress the real bass a bunch more to fit in with the techno parts.
The cover art above makes me feel like I'm losing my mind more than ever too :D :D :D

To anyone else who hears this, how does the bass sound to you?
As a Llama rock enthusiast, I have to reccomend this song as a perfect example of the genre. Although some might say this is more post-Llama, I'd disagree. I say it's just forward-looking.

Very cool and original stuff. I think I say that to you a lot, and I mean it.

The change at 2:25 is awesome. I like that very much.
SnakeDog5050 said:
Hey guys,
something kind of different I'm working on... sort of a space rock that turns Techno rock at times. Any comments/tips/ideas are welcome :)

Psycho Llamas in Space on Acid

VERSE: A Shark who can sing underwater, surf porn with kangar00s, doing sheep in space, mad rabbits on drums, and dogs using weedwackers
CHORUS: Psycho!!! llamas!!! in space!! on Acid!!

Another choice piece from the SnakeDude!!

The change in the beat at 00:25 was sweet!...I liked the drum beats you had going through this tune SnakeDude!
I hope I am one of those kangaroo's doing porn in the surf!! :D :D

KOOL stuff, really trippy vocals this time around!! :D :D

Gorty :)
SnakeDog - Awesome tune...I think this is your best yet.

Your writing and playing on this one is excellent!

I am REALLY digging your guitar work. Love that whammy action! Leads are very tasty and have great tone. That axe is working out really well.

Lots of layers - all moving together in and out of the mix well. Not getting a lot of bass on my PC speakers (but that's normal). I'll try and listen later on headphones regarding the bass.

Really like this one SnakeDog!

:D :) :cool: :cool:
The llama lick at 2:07 needs a little more in the 300 Hz range... just a little thin. Nice EQ balance otherwise.

Supercreep - Thanks, appreciate the kind words. It's also good to hear from fellow llama rock enthusiasts and our collective dedication to llama space travel. I was hoping I hadn't become too repetitive in today's already worn out genre of llama rock :D At 2:25, that's the space llama dance groove

Gorty - You like sheep eh? :p The vox were kind of Hawkwind inspired, kinda freaky with a heavy riff in the back, I had fun trying to sound weird :D

Mad - cool mad, I just recommend you staying on Earth, because these are some badass llama mofos up there ;)

ido - Thanks ido, glad you dug it and the mix too. These songs are getting harder and harder to mix because I haven't been able to resist constantly adding guitar tracks. WIth the techno stuff and everything this one was 17 tracks. I've looked into the bass and it may be a bit inconsistent

Tim - Haha, I was actually thinking that the llama vox could be EQed better. Do you have any good resources on the recommended frequency ranges for Llamas vox? :D

Thanks for checking it out guys! :) :cool:
Been wanting to listen to this one all week!

Cool guitar sound during the intro...had your style all over it which is cool...I think this is mixed really well!Drums are awesome, and the loops are put together really well in regards to cymbal crashes/fills etc..It almost has a prog rock feel in that tempo change!This tune is way cosmic and I'm really digging it....You are one creative dude...Very nice work!!
Excellent stuff. Reminds me of a twisted version of Oingo Boingo. Sound quality is outstanding, really sounds like the real deal on my monitors. :cool:
Snake...If you're wondering why I don't comment on all your tunes, it's because the links don't open for me half the time. I don't get it. I know it must be me, since others have commented. But for some reason, Realplayer always tells me your files don't exist. They're probably just too weird for the player....:D
variaxman said:
Been wanting to listen to this one all week!

Cool guitar sound during the intro...had your style all over it which is cool...I think this is mixed really well!Drums are awesome, and the loops are put together really well in regards to cymbal crashes/fills etc..It almost has a prog rock feel in that tempo change!This tune is way cosmic and I'm really digging it....You are one creative dude...Very nice work!!

VariaxLlama, thanks man! Glad you dug the trip... otherwise the psycho llamas would be after YOU! :eek: :p just kidding, I'm starting to make a collection of these weird guitar sounds/amp settings/plugins for disposal in my songs. The different beats were kind of a random experiment, I added one and liked it so I kind of got carried away with adding a bunch more. Thanks again man, appreciate it! :D
DavidK said:
Excellent stuff. Reminds me of a twisted version of Oingo Boingo. Sound quality is outstanding, really sounds like the real deal on my monitors. :cool:

LlamaK- Thanks! Those llamas are pretty twisted in their intergalactic psycho spitting rampages, so the music needed to keep up ;)
Good to hear about the sound quality and mix... I don't have monitors, so I've just been kind of getting a feel from comments on here of how these speakers translate... :cool:
RAMI said:
Snake...If you're wondering why I don't comment on all your tunes, it's because the links don't open for me half the time. I don't get it. I know it must be me, since others have commented. But for some reason, Realplayer always tells me your files don't exist. They're probably just too weird for the player....:D

llAMI - Do you use the intergalactic player?!? My tunes are usually encoded in an exterrestrial/snake mix code. Hmmm... sounds typical soundclick, I wonder how many people have that same problem. Well here's my page, it should be at the top.
Y - E - S

This is awsome. Great stuff. I really like the tone of the guitar and all the guitar work on this stuff. Are you using some weird pitch shift for your voice?
Timothy Lawler said:
There's an palpable sense of pathos in that llama's voice. It's clear he's been there. He's suffered and overcome. Does he play jazz sax by any chance?


Llamaler - You are actually very close Tim. He used to be one of Space's hottest jazz trumpet players (less buttons) before a freak cable car accident tuned him into the frequency of evil. Now he combines trumpet playering, singing, and being psycho in outer space into one ambitious drive to be the next big llama. So yes, he's been there, he's done that.
Nice work Tim, you know what you know ;)
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monkeymanx said:
Y - E - S
This is awsome. Great stuff. I really like the tone of the guitar and all the guitar work on this stuff. Are you using some weird pitch shift for your voice?

Monkeyllama - Cool, thanks for checking it out! I'm using my collection of space rock tones I built up being weird all these years :D Anyway, the vox are kind of weird the way I did them. I did one loud take with a weird voice... then i recorded two more takes of me yelling the part from a distance... and panned one to each channel. So no effects, just triple tracking...
Thanks again man, glad you dug it :cool: :cool:
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