Protools Newbie Question


New member
Well i just purchased the mbox 2 along with a baby bottle mic

i use to use cool edit 2.0, but now i am trying to learn protools

i do rap vocals only

so my instrumental is in track 1

and my vocals in track 2, adlibs 3 and so on

in cool edit, i would just right click and hit mix down all waves to mix it to one file

how do you do that in pro tools?
if anyone with m box2 can tell me wat r the like average knob settings on it, that would be great...

still a little confused

but im gunna try that bounce to disk ^ thanks
Yeah- mixing down is

File -> Bounce to Disk.

And there are no average settings. It all depends on the mic and the singer.

Setting the levels for recording with the Mbox is done by looking at the levels in the mix window of pro tools. So you have your vocal coming in track 2, right? If its plugged into input 2 on the Mbox first make sure that input 2 is set to "Mic input" The turn the knob until your loudest vocal parts still don't quite clip the red light at the top of the meter. If it EVER clips that red light at the top, stop. Turn it down slightly and redo the track. The red light means that it has probably distorted. Not a good sound.

Voila. Your level is properly set.

For listening while you are recording, the mbox uses a direct mix knob. It literally mixes the live sound of your mic with the playback coming out of pro tools. They did this so you can avoid the slight delay that you get when listening to what you are recording THROUGH pro tools.

I usually mute the track I'm recording so I don't hear that funky slap back delay. Then I use the mix knob to get it so I can hear my own vocal clearly as well as the music.

The Mbox should have come with a "Getting Started with MBox 2" manual. Its a *really* good place to start and shouldn't be that complex.
great help chris, appreciate it, im going to watch the disk now

i was wondering how to get rid of that delay too lol thanks again
brooklyn23 said:
what the hel do i get so much hate for around immature ass bastards

Don't let it bother you too much. The rep system is more like a game on this board than anything.

i don't believe there is a low latency monitoring mode for the Mbox....solely because they included a mix knob on the hardware device itself. Use that.
hmmm... User Friendly? Is the software much different? Thinking about purchasing one for my laptop to have compact mobil live show recording studio. Compleatly compatible with the home studio. Wait!!! dont steal my idea. :D :D :D :eek: