Protools Mpowered?


New member
So is any one on here using the proTools Mpowered? I was think about getting it to go with my delta 1010lt but I have read a couple negative reviews and I was kind of wondering if it was worth it? I have recently also been contemplating getting cubaseSe because it from what I understand will import and export OMF which is the main reason Im thinking of getting the mpowered. If anyone has any personal info about either of these please let me know what you think.
M-Powered is basically identicle to LE, so if you like the software, it's only 200-odd quid.

However, be warned that one of the few limitations of M-Powered is that there is no option of the DV Toolkit upgrade or Digibase, which is required for importing/exporting OMF files.

Please check the Digidesign website to confirm this, but if it's a must for you then I would think that Cubase is probably your best option.

the tortoise
No. An OMF (OMFi - Open Media Format Interchange) is session data, with tracks, audio files and, I think, some level/pan assignment contained in it.

It was conceived as a way of transferring stuff between incompatible programs, and for Avid editors to export their rough audio edits to be imported into Post production studio DAWs without going the cumbersome conform route.

It's limited but a great and easy way to get session data shared between two mutually exclusive programs in a small file.

Oh, and blackdiscoball, I forgot to give you personal information on my experience. Cubase I have been using for years (SX). It's powerful and will do what you need but I find it a bit convoluted and it's UI strangely idiosyncratic. Pro Tools I find to be the most intuitive and logical of all the DAW's GUIs and you'd be able to exchange sessions to practically any professional studio with ease - but M-Powered only has 32 audio tracks at the moment and, as mentioned above, cannot import OMFs.

I say do a bit of research, try them both out if you can, then go with the functions you need and your instincts. They are both powerful programs that will do what you need and they both have their learning curve and limitations.

Good luck! :)

the tortoise
Actually OMF(i)=Open Media Framework (interchange).

I can't vouche for Pro-Tools M-Powered but Cubase is an excellent program. Which will allow you to create material which can be brought into other studios with ease (I've brought projects over to ProTools several times with minimal fuss using OMF).
If you're going to stay happy with the number of channels your 1010lt has, you're ok. However, the Digidesign Delta driver M-powered uses doesn't allow multiple cards. So you can't increase the i/o beyond what the one card has.
Jim Y said:
If you're going to stay happy with the number of channels your 1010lt has, you're ok. However, the Digidesign Delta driver M-powered uses doesn't allow multiple cards. So you can't increase the i/o beyond what the one card has.
That seems lame. Oh congratulations Jim you have 666 posts right now :D
Jim Y said:
If you're going to stay happy with the number of channels your 1010lt has, you're ok. However, the Digidesign Delta driver M-powered uses doesn't allow multiple cards. So you can't increase the i/o beyond what the one card has.

And it's capped at 32 tracks. When you're recording 8 drum tracks at a time, it's really easy to exceed that in an hour recording session.

And as someone else mentioned, it can't export OMF, so once you buy it, you're locked into that software platform unless you move up to their more expensive versions. There's no easy way to move your projects to another DAW.

I'd pay $50 for it just to be able to say I had Pro Tools in my studio (and absolutely refuse to use it). For $250 retail, that's almost as much as the competitive upgrade price for Digital Performer (and you can get that price for upgrading even some really ancient software---I think I "upgraded" from an old copy of Master Tracks Pro that stopped working when I upgraded to Mac OS 9 six or seven years ago).

Oh, and for that exttra $75, DP imports and exports OMF, has no track limit AFAIK (at least I haven't found one), and lets you use as many audio interfaces as you want (from any manufacturer).

I locked myself into a DAW that couldn't export OMF once. Big mistake. I got so mad at the company's bugs (which they still haven't fixed a year and a half later) that I gave up and wrote a translator app to read their file format and export OMF. I'll never make the mistake of locking myself into a DAW that only saves in a proprietary project file format again.

I can't imagine what Digi was thinking when they made such a horribly limited product cost that much money. Maybe they were hoping that the Pro Tools name would fool people into thinking that this thing's specifications don't totally suck, but there are way too many apps on the market at about the same price point that aren't limited to the point of being useless.

Save your money.
I downloaded the demo and played around with it and I far prefer Sonar over it any day. It's completely Mac based in that there aren't even any right mouse button commands. I find Sonar far more productive. It doesn't have the feel of a Win XP app so if I were going to run it I would run it on a Mac.

I would give Cubase or Sonar a serious look. This might be off topic but look at how Digi is screwing over there -001 users by not offering them version 7. I wouldn't trust that company for nothing.
Digi hasn't supported the 001 for about a year now, so no V.7 shouldn't be a surprise. They also don't support the MIX system anymore. Apple screwed Logic's PC base when they bought it. Steinberg has terrible customer support...

Which company do you trust?

Back on topic- I'm not familiar with mpowered, but in generaly I think you should stay away from Pro Tools unless you specifically need Pro Tools. Its about the most limited software out there with few and expensive upgrading options. Cubase SX is more expensive than Mpowered, but offers WAY more funtionality and expandablity.

So even though I do the bulk of my work in Pro Tools, I bought Cubase SX2 to have the extra functionality that PT is missing when I need it. Cheaper and more flexible than the DV Toolkit.

Anyway. Be warned. Pro Tools LE and Mpowered are surprisingly limited for the class of software they tend to be viewed as.

Hey thanks for all the info. I have definitly been trying to do reasearch but this is the most productive info I have got. Most place on the net just have the specs and a great reiview saying this is the best product ever invented but nothing as specific as this. Thanks alot.