ProTools compatibility?


New member
Hey folks, looking for some help before I buy.

I'm thinking of getting either a Presonus Firebox or a Firewire 410 soon, but I'm interested to see if my ProTools 6.4 will work with either one. I got ProTools in an MBox bundle a while back, and I see that at least the Firewire 410 is supposed to work with ProTools 7, but if at all possible I'd like to continue using my older version. Is this a possibility? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks much all,

There is a pretty good chance that it won't work. ProTools is NOT known for much in the way of "compatibility". ;)
Pro Tools LE will only open if Digidesign hardware is connected to the computer. Pro Tools LE will not work with a firewire 410. Pro Tools M-Powered is the software that will run on M-Audio hardware.