Protools 8 HD


Ninja kick the dam rabbit
how much would Protools HD cost? and dose it come with the hardware needed to run it?

the Canadian Government is more than likely giving me some cash to help get me upgraded. and im trying to see what i can spend where. im thinking of gettign a few great mics and the protools HD. there is one other studio near me and it runs protools HD as well. and that seems to be the main reason hes getting as much business as he is. his mixes are ok, dont get me wrong. but for the past 3 months that has been his big selling point in all his ads. and i do need to try and complete. and also when i was in Toronto with my bands producer he was running protools and i really liked the way its all layed out. i know its not the only option out there. im just trying to get an idea of how much i would need to spend.
thanks a lot guys :)
Well let's add it up... $2799

2.HD core card:lists $7995, but they can be had for far, far less than that -- figure $2000-$2500.

3. then depending on how many i/o you want, cheapest being this: $1995

or this: $3995

Or the Rosetta 800 will also work: $2700

There's the "entry level" HD1 rig, it only gets more costly from there... You're lookin at about $7200 total (if you buy the core card used.) If you already have the mac, ~$4400. Of course everything can be had on ebay, or the like, for much less.
wow, thanks a lot for the detail. very nice of you. :)
ive always been sketchy when buying from eBay or other places like that. so im not sure if ill be able to handle that. but it'll save me a good chunk of change. hmm we shall see.
thanks again man
It all depends how many ins and outs you want. What sample rate your going to run at. The higher sample rates have limitations how many tracks pro tools can run at once. You can have more tracks running if you add accel cards.

Also i'd take a look at the lynx aurora converters with the lt hd card. I prefer those to the digi interfaces. Also the 96i/o doesnt "sound" as good as the 192 interfaces.