Pros and Cons: card vs simple cable MIDI to PC adapter ?


New member
Im wondering what the pros/cons/difference in using a card like Midiman MM-401 as opposed to a simple cable that connects to the joystick port, for MIDI to PC connection...

Im guessing that the card would use up extra PC recources (besides just a port)?
but the cable wouldnt have extra features obviously (which?) .. ?

Just my humble opinion

I have a SBLive and use a midi to joystick port cable to connect my synth keyboard to the soundcard. The cable cost me like 20 bucks w/shipping, and it has always worked beautifully for me. The only times i've ever had any problems were operator (that would be me ) error, but never any problems hardwarewise. I'm not sure what features you are looking for, but as an interface I've never had any problems. Peace, Silver
The reason Im asking is that Im deciding between getting the cable for $20 bucks , or a used Midiman MM-401 card for $5 ..

the card is cheaper for me but Id rather not tie up any extra recources on the PC.. Seems like it should offer some benefit (although maybe more complication/problems?) over just using the joystick port cable method.. I just have no idea what the difference/advantage is..

Don't fight it.

Midiman Midisport USB. Takes about 3 minutes to install, won't require changing everything when you change your soundcard and is simply idiot-proof.
By the way, the joystick port approach only works if you have a soundcard with a SoundBlaster-compatible MIDI interface that shares the joystick port...