proposed idea for songwritters....


New member
From another thread I got this idea....

The idea was from someones technique of taking a story from the news, and quickly writting a song about it as practice.

Anyway, we could create a group. THis group would have an idea posted by a member once a week, any idea... storys from the news, their own life story, a piece of fiction, history, etc... WHATEVER! THe other members of the group would write and post. We could ask for just lyric or mini-recordings of the song.

I'm thinking we could email out the ideas to the group, say on wednessday morning, then post on a single thread started on monday, then critique each other, and get others to critique.

Of course each person is going to write different stuff.Some will be into electronica, some into country. (I'll take up the PR/indy contingence. ) Some of us will be good... some will be bad (me).

Keep in mind this wouldn't be the method of choice (for me) for normally writting, but I do figure it will be valuable experience.

Anyone interested? I'm kinda new to the board.
Well, I'm fine tuning the recording of the song that was inspired by the "Woolton Church" thread (and man am I happy with this song!) as I type, so I'm sold on the idea that this forum is a f#ckin' great idea. :)

I'm game.

Anyone else game? This should be pretty fun.

We can start it this week. Wednessday morning.... does that sound fine? We can try to have something done by monday and post the results then.
Hey blackbuck,

You pick!!!!!!!!

I just posted a couple more of my crappy demos to this forum
if you care to listen.............