Promotion Idea Exchange


Well-known member
I am working with a long time friend on the relaunch of his music career. This is a bit of a new role for me and one I would not normally play if not for the fact that this is a good friend of 25 years. So I would really like input and your ideas.

As I believe in networking I am sharing the ideas I've found as a start for a PR campaign here. I hope some will find it useful and will share your ideas, sites and promotions that have worked for you. Thanks for reading.


Build Electronic Press Kit: Cover letter, bio, press photos and music package. Put together biographical information. Needs to be personal and have a human interest storyline compelling the reader’s interest. Career timeline and music influences past and present. Define your motivations or story for the public. Possible two track approach, one for music press and the other for general public.

One line biography: Many online spaces have very little space for biography. Twitter for instance. Must be short, compelling and interesting.

Full Biography longform for use onWikipedia and other online music database sites. This will be added to all the profiles you build online including your site and the social media sites below.
(Examine your successful contemporary peers that have changed their genre direction. Search their online presence and approach to telling their story.)

Build online presence by expanding your web life. We will build a standard brand package and then add it to all the sites below. LastFM (country) Pandora Facebook
MySpace Google Profile
Yahoo Profile CDBaby

Pictures & Logo Photos old and new for public sites and profiles. Here is an opportunity to leverage old bands fan base nostalgia for more content. I will scan photos and format to various size requirements for web.

Build online music package for release (pre-release and web exclusive). 3 or 4 song Ep format containing:
Title Cut direction defining song Fill tune change of pace or style but good match for title track. Live or Acoustic version of Title (web exclusive) Possible old track done in other genre idioms.

Brand Development & Marketing
Start local by contacting media known to have an interest in music like the Phoenix. Send press kits and follow up by phone. Add all press coverage to your cover and bio package.

Saturated marketing on various social media sites such as myspace, facebook , purevolume and nextcast. Community building on sound click, IndieMusic, Ourstage, ReverbNation and Artist Direct.

Video promotion via Youtube, Metacafe, Motionbox, BlipTV, Guba, GoogleVideo, YahooVideo, Vimeo, Jumpcut and Stickham.

Fan base Building via FanBridge, NumberOneMusic and after you have built a small following, paid promo at FanCast.
Put together direct marketing via current fan base. Your old band is currently selling the re-released material through CDbaby. One feature you should be taking advantage of is CDbaby gathers all the contact data from the people who buy the old music and makes it available to the account holder. You need to get more involved and informed in your old career in order to leverage the fan base for your new one. Development of a new interactive site for your solo career. We will tie all the content together with the rest of the web presence we create. Make all produced web content (photos, music and video) available on your web site and consider exclusive content for give away. Consider tie in of DVD release by posting one live video of old band on video sites.

Keep it dynamic by writing a blog where you regularly update your career and personal progress. Write articles about performing, producing or co-writing and recording but most importantly keep it personal. This should be at least weekly and regular. Create separate web domain for your songwriting career.
One medium that is good to utilize are custom printed USB drives like the ones in this article. They are a relatively new medium that offers a competitive edge. CD's are becoming more obsolete by the day with their being easily damaged and copied once then tossed. USB will give fans an added benefit of being able to re-use the medium you deliver your music in!