Projectmix users: quick question


New member
I have an associate that is currently looking at putting together a little project studio for some inner city students (educational purposes). He asked if I could put together a little proposal for him. I was thinking about putting the projectmix in the proposal, but was just curious about a specific detail. How many independent mixes are you able to get from the projectmix for monitoring purposes of live and recorded events? And (just making certain), the live feed wouldn't have any latency issues, would it? In reading the manual, I'm assuming you could get at least two (one for the studio speakers and another stereo pair for individual monitoring) or three, if you go mono with audio 3&4 (and are they all independent of one another?). This would probably be just enough for the engineer and a couple of musicians.

I've worked on MOTU stuff with cuemix for such a long time that I'm a little lost when it comes to other gear. I would lean towards motu gear, but I think it would be important for them to have a controller and the fact that it is somewhat protools compatible might provide useful in the future.

Thanks for any help and insight.