Progressive/Rock/Metal project "Stillwater Reach"


New member

Stillwater Reach is a German Progressive/Rock/Metal project. We spent almost 5 years to get into homerecording and to built up a project studio. Here´s our recording setup:

- Drums: XLN Addictive Drums (lots of programming in detail)
- Bass: Mix of peavey amp and VST instruments
- Guitars: Mix of Line 6 POD effects and a peavey 5150 II

The music is influenced by modern progressive bands like porcupine tree, rock/alternative stuff like muse, placebo and metal like mastodon.

Here are two of our songs:

Down again

An Old Friend

We really look forward for getting your comments and feedback on mix and music.

Everyone who is interested in more details is invited to visit our facebook page.



  • Stillwater Reach - Down Again.mp3
    8.2 MB · Views: 6
  • Stillwater Reach - An Old Friend.mp3
    8.9 MB · Views: 14
What´s wrong?


Hi there,

I ask myself what´s wrong with my post? Is the song really that bad or did I miss anything I must know about this forum.

Please help me!

Two things - 1, it's only been 23 hours since your post and this forum isn't THAT busy. And 2, this is a mixing feedback forum for current projects you're working on, while your post is more to drum up publicity for finished tracks - there's another forum for that here you should try.

As a huge Porcupine Tree fan I'm a little curious to check your stuff out, but not at work...
Thanks for your answer.

I´ll try the other forum. But I´m also really curious to get your feedback. By the way, there´s another new song available at souncloud "Stillwater Reach".

Yours Kiro
I listened to Down Again.

Overall I thought it was pretty good. Guitar tone is pretty good to my ear. Maybe a little too much high-end crackle. But generally good.

The "power" guitar part is a little dominating. For example when the guitars at 1:11 kick in, they almost completely cover the vocal. there are other spots too. You can't hear the vocal during the chorus. I think you're running in to a problem where you're trying to make everything loud at the same time.

The kick is overpowering the bass. It's a bit clicky too. But that might be normal for this genre. I thought the drum programming was good.