

New member

Just decided to write this piece over the last couple of weeks thanks to a new found interest in electronica.

There are so many sub genera's im not entirely sure what to classify this as but im going with progressive electronica for now (unless someone corrects me).

You can hear some influences of my Prog rock/metal work in it to i think.

Anyway, the track is called Charged Borealis

Thanks for listening and any feedback. :)
Just checked it out. Right on! I like it. I don't even attempt to keep up with the subgenres. It doesn't really matter anyway. Just come up with a great song and let the public decide how to fit it in.
Interesting... Sounds like it would be a cool soundtrack style song to a game or movie...

I listened to high wires also, pretty cool stuff. Digging the synth metal stuff. I'm not sure if you were looking for mixing advice or anything here, so I won't give any input unless asked. Good song writing though man.
Cheers guys.

Sounds like it would be a cool soundtrack style song to a game or movie...

heh, thats one of the fields im interested in so thats good i guess!
I'm not sure if you were looking for mixing advice or anything here, so I won't give any input unless asked.

Well, being the home recording forums i thought that was perhaps implied! :)

But yeah, any thoughts on anything are welcome, mixing absolutely included.