Prog Metal

Johnboy Walton

New member
Well, I've had few things to say around here, so it's time to put my money where my mouth is. Below is a link to our first near
complete tune on Nowhere Radio:

We will be re-tracking the vocals with a new vocalist, and there are some overall level tweaks I want to make (minor, but still,) but this is pretty near complete. Let me know what you think, but please be gentle, this is my first post to this forum, and I've still got a LOT to learn!!

I'm not sure if I should post first, because I'm not usually gentle. I'll try, though :)

Playing is nice, singer has a few problems with the higher notes, it seems. Drums sound kinda powerless. Once again, the playing is good, and there's some good stuff here. The solo is pretty good and emotional, and has a pretty good tone. You sure can play. The start of the song almost sounded like it would turn out to be a dance song. Kinda fooled me there :)

You should pay attention to the mixing a little more. I don't know exactly what to do, but somehow make at least the drums a little more powerful. The playing is good enough, just the mixing has some flaws. Don't take me too serious, since I'm usually nitpicking, and nothing ever pleases me :) (And I've got a flu right now, and one of my favourite bands just broke up)
The talking part reminded me of The Necromancer from Rush. Thought it could use a little more low end. But then again I'm a bass player. Singer sounds a little unsure of himself. I'm jealous of your lead ability. That's my 2cents.
Well, I just wish the whole thing was a little 'meaner.' The leadish guitar parts sound really good, but the rythym guitar sounds really thin and washed out when you're playing the chord riffs. Ditto about the vox. The only other nitpick I have is the snare - maybe its just too much compression or something but it just sounds like a little 'pop' or 'blip' and needs more 'SMACK.' Overall it sounds pretty decent.

I tried getting in earlier, but our mail server (in fact, our entire network) went down just as I hit "submit" and I haven't gotten back until now.

First off, I'm the bass player, not the guitarist. That said, I suck and try to hide myself a bit. This is the first mix I put myself up a little.

From what people are saying, I guess I need to work on compressor RELEASE times for the snare and kick to get the little 'pick-up' on the tail. I'll try that next. I also read something about only panning efects returns hard left/right, so I want to try that too.

Lastly, like I said, this was a temporary vocal, so it will be replaced soon with a much stronger track.

But if anybody's got better suggestions for making the drums more "powerful," please let me know. I'm always walking the line between having the drums loud and having them just take over. Thanks for the ideas, I can't wait to find some time to hit the mix again.

the drum problem is that they are not full frequency. It sounds like they come out of an old transistor AM radio lows, or high end. And the snare has that rat-ta-tat sound to it...and is basically the only drum you really hear, except for the occasional tom roll. Unfortunately, most of the sounds..especially the intro keyboards, have that cheezy "Casio" sound to them. Like the instruments are from a K-mart store.
Nice song...just needs a much better presentation to do it justice.
mixmkr said:
the drum problem is that they are not full frequency. It sounds like they come out of an old transistor AM radio lows, or high end. And the snare has that rat-ta-tat sound to it...and is basically the only drum you really hear, except for the occasional tom roll. Unfortunately, most of the sounds..especially the intro keyboards, have that cheezy "Casio" sound to them. Like the instruments are from a K-mart store.
Nice song...just needs a much better presentation to do it justice.

Freakin Mixmkr Stole all my lines. Thanks Mix. :p

From a prog fan...

Structurally, I think this a good tune. I agree with what's been said above about the drums. As far as the keys go, I would have chosen a different sound...something a little more haunting and less poppy. On the vocals, the low parts don't really work for me. I think I would like it better if was in a higher register, with the addition of backing vocals and/or harmonies to the chorus sections to add some drama. Guitar harmonies are excellent, nice tonal quality.

Overall, nice guitar work and a well-written song. Just needs some polish on the presentation.
I'll start w/the positive:
1:The song seems solid!
2:The guitar solo,and much of the keyboard work was really good!
3:I didn't hear any playing that"sucked",so unless your bass is mixed completely out,I doubt that your'e that bad!
Like someone said earlier,it lacks"meanness",I dunno,eq the guitars so they're more "in your face"!
What did you use for drums?Are they real drums or drum machine?In any event,they need more presence!
To my ears,the vocal for a tune like this should be an octave higher,and delivered w/ a little more reckless abandon!I really believe that alone would move the song alot!
Please take this critisizm positively,because there is really some potential in this stuff.Your foundation is sound!The rest is just details!