Problems with Vocals, please help, Punk Song


New member
I've been working on this song for awhile and cannot figure out how to make the vocals sound crisp and audible without being too loud. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the site, the song is called Eliminate the Nation
I would just tweek the highs up a little,and raise the level on the Vocal.I don't think it will be overbearing.It sounds like they may be a little overcompressed too!Overall,I think they're just a bit too low in the mix.
Very cool song though!Sounds like it was recorded pretty well.Are those real drums,or programmed?I like 'em in either event.Nice work!
I listened to all three tunes. Pretty cool. I liked them all. I think you have to find the zone in between the volume of vox for
"To the king" and "eliminate" (which i liked the best.)
They were a little undercompressed for "the king," and maybe over compressed and low on "Eliminate" .....
But cool songs none the less. I'm struggling with the same type of problems. There are some people around here who really know
there stuff, so you should be able to get some better answers from someone with more brains than I..................................... Just giving you a shout on the tunes! if you wanna listen to some other things that can go wrong, check out my stuff, I'm getting some great tips
from the TASCAM users forum, up the street.

I've no secular talent at this, however, it sounds like you've an overcomression problem and a bit of a misuse of your head room.

The balance of the mix is close. If yu've squashed things then back of some. Also, start with the drums then bass and work the mix out from thier. Don't go for a huge volume at the get go and let the vox sit with the mix as aposed to catching up with it.

Just my ignorant thoughts,
Thanks for the insight

Thanks for the help, really appreciated. I know what you're saying about over compression on Eliminate, i hear it now too, it'
s real time comp in sonar so i can back off fairly easy, I will try bringing up to vocals but often times i think it sounds silly when the vocals are so loud it sounds like a pop song. I've actually recorded a couple of new songs with the same singer using a shure dynamic instead of the AT3525, the results are much better on his particular voice. Thanks again.

Tough to get vocals at the right level in a mix. I agree that they sound overcompressed, I think I would use less compression and maybe bring the guitar down a little to make room, maybe take some mids out of the guitar, too.
It would really help if you could describe the chain you used for recording the vocal, as well as any effects / processing you might have used

Thanks again for the interest, to answer a few questions. The drums were done with a Boss DR770, takes forever to build and sequence songs but much better than working with fruity loops style sequencing*

The recording chain - AT3525 Condensor about 12 inches from mouth, into a Mackie 1202VLZ thru a (I know) Alesis 3630 into a Delta 44 into Sonar. I will eventually get a better compressor but cash is like hot chicks around here.

I then use the Cakewalk FX in sonar on the vocals - compression and reverb.

I'm not using the 3630 that heavily, just taming peaks before it is recorded, still from what i've heard it sucks for the money compared to the RNC's and the Berengers; but i purchased that before i started surfing the information superhighway for recording info. dig. I don't plan on getting a dedicated preamp, i would like a better condensor but for now, that will have to do.


* My Opinion