Problems with my Sennheiser e-602

Workingman Hero

New member
During a drums recording today, the mic e-602 ( i mic the kick with it) stop to work, just in the middle of the track...
I tried to change the cable, the input on the mix board...nothing worked.
I don't have any idea of what is the problem...
The cardridge seems to be intact, the cable input also...
I don't know...
Please, help...I only have recorded 2 of the 7 songs we have to do with this band.
I have got this mic since 8 months and it worked really good...until it breaks today.
I'm not sure if this is the problem but....... I don't have the mic in front of me so I can't be certain that I'm telling you the right thing. If you unscrew the black grill, you should see 2 small wires soldered to the cartridge or whatever it's called. Make sure they're both soldered down really well, if not then just dab some hot solder on them both to make sure you don't have cold solder joints. I've seen this happen to 2 different guys and that's how they fixed theirs. Hope this helps.