problems with cubase vst 32


New member
My friend just bought cubase vst 32 and when we plug and instrument into the computer instead of getting a normal sound we get a delayed sound. This happened to me with n-track until I changed my recording mode to mono. How should I get this problem to go away on cubase. We plan on recording our band live. thanks a million
Delayed audio is called latency. It is affected by your computers interaction with your soundcard.

Download the latest driver for your soundcard and configure it in your ASIO control panel using the suggestions they give you right at the beginning of the "Getting Started" manual.
click on:
Options>audio setup>system and in the system window activate the direct ASIO monitoring..
see if that helps
I have this same problem using a Guillemot ISIS sound card. I usually get low latency numbers but there's still always an echo. The only way I've found to cure this is to put the slider for whatever channel you are recording all the way down. You will have to monitor the signal directly from the soundcard. On the plus side, monitoring from the card and not the software gives you zero latency.