Problems with a G5 and CubaseSX2.0


New member
I have the 1.6 ghz G5 with a motu HD192 interface running Cubase SX 2.01.10

For some reason The cpu meter is peaking out and when this happens it causes distortion in the audio being recorded or played back. The distortion gets worse at higher sample rates like 88.2 and 96khz cubase dosn't even reconize that the hd192 can do 176.4 or 192!

Can anyone offer some sugestions or answers to this problem?
what do you have open (ie plugins) it's obvious that something is hogging all of your CPU power, you must have some pretty heavy duty processing on to get that kind of glitching... also why don't you try and back it off to 24 bit 48khz, still sounds good, but not as much of a CPU hog... just a thought
the distortion

thats probaly ypur hard drive doin that man, 192khz is a very big file to stream from a regular hardrive reduce your #tracks and se what happens you may have to reserve hd for mastering only u know 2-6 trks
Interesting, I have the same issue with the HD192 using Cakewalk Sonar. Can't have more than a couple tracks at 24bit 96K before CPU maxes out. I'm also having problems with other apps - but not CPU related.