problems when playing back music files.


New member
Hello, I recently downloaded a p2p program (dc++) and it told me that I had to "HASH" and INDEX my files before sharing them, so I did, but I think either doing that, or the program itself did something to my system, and now everytime I start my computer my cpu jumps. I uninstalled the p2p program, but still the problem persists everytime I play something that requires audio; sometimes when nothing is playing and I want to play a file it tells me that another audio device is open, and I check and there is nothing else open. Whenever I play an audio file or whatever type of file that requires audio, the audio at times tends to go "brrr" and it slows down for about half a second and then keeps going normal; like bad transmission from a radio station sometimes when it goes "brrr", and then it comes back to normal but it might do that several times. I checked my audio settings and everything seems to be fine. This started happening only when I installed that p2p, but I did unistall it, yet the problem persists. Any help would be appreciated. Please, if you did not understand my message, let me know, I know I can be kind of confusing when explaining something.

Thank you in advance,

A person in need of help.