Problems multi-tracking on Macbook


New member
I'm going to be multitracking a band soon and I'm not sure if my computer will be able to handle it.

What I have:
MacBook 2.1
processor- 2GHz Intel Core Duo
memory- 1GB 667 MHz DDR2 5DRAM
Motu 896HD (firewire)

I've recorded a track here and there but nothing too big. Last summer I semi-mastered a project for someone with ProTools (via MBOX2mini which I still have). I imported the audio from a cd and then added some compression, EQ and Verb and I remember at times it would stop because it couldn't keep up.

Now I have a larger interface that can handle more inputs. I will be recording a kit using between 3 and 6 mics and probably try to at least get a guitar scratch track down with it (via DI, and probably mic the cab later) as well. How will my laptop handle that?

When it comes to the technical side of RAM and processors I can't make sense of it. I was reading the AudioDesk (software for MOTU) I saw there were preferences that I could change that would help divide the work load but it didn't make much sense to me.

On my laptop I have around 3-4000 Itunes songs (backed up so I can get rid of them if needed), and I only use it for watching DVDs and listening to music. I don't really use it for anything else since my wifi is messed up and I can't get on the internet. Most of the programs on there have never been used (exception being audiodesk, protools, and garageband) outside of the DVD player so I would think that there shouldn't be much to take up memory or anything.

I plan on recording with Audiodesk and then mixing in ProTools. How would I go about optimizing my system and be able to do what I want to do without overloading? I don't really plan on putting effects on any of the tracks while recording (exeption being EQ or something) I just worry about the number of tracks at once.

Does volume have anything to do with any of this? Meaning if I set a few mics around my room pointed at radios and things and then recorded them all would that give an accurate test of how the computer would respond or would I need everything cranked like I was actually trying to track it all? Hope that makes sense.

I don't really have any money, so I can't just run out and buy some RAM and a hard drive or anything.

Any advice, tips, tricks, or anything else is appreciated.
If you record in using very little plugins you should be okay but when it comes to mixing and you start adding more and more as well as adding automation and perform editing your computer will probably struggle.

I'm far more worried about recording than mixing. I can at least bounce the tracks down and whatnot as needed. I just don't want to get there, and set up and then start recording and not be able to record everything.

If I wanted to buy more memory, what do I need to do, and whats the price?