

New member
Everytime I record with Sonar it only lets re record for like 30 seconds then cuts off saying DROPOUT whats that shit mean?
It could mean a number of things.

1) Your sound card can't sample the audio fast enough.

2) Your PC is slow, not enough RAM.

I could go on but I won't.

Try this:

Go to Options > Project > General
(It might be under Options > Global ...but I don't think so...

At the bottom you need to make the audio buffer as big as possible. Sorry I can't be a little more exact but I'm not at my studio this weekend.

You will get more latency, but it could fix your dropout.

What kind of sound card do you have?

If you have too many IO's enabled that can cause dropout too.
What it the bit width of your sound card 20 or 16?

Give some more details about your setup.

1. I have a SB Live 5.1

2. Im sure i have enough Speed 256mb

Ima try what u mentioned thanx for your help ~1~
PG13 said:
1. I have a SB Live 5.1

2. Im sure i have enough Speed 256mb

Ima try what u mentioned thanx for your help ~1~

Amount of RAM really has nothing to do with the speed of your computer, especially when doing Digital Audio. What processor do you have? What OS are you using? Are you using WDM drivers?

Those are more important than the amout of RAM.
It still sounds like you need to increase the size of the audio input buffer. Did you go to Options > Audio ... again, I'm at work, not in my studio. I'll check the exact path tonight.

Did you look in the manual? They should have a troubleshooting section for dropout.

I'm in my studio now.

In Sonar go to

Options > Audio and select the General Tab

At the bottom is is Mixing Latency. Put the slider to "safe".
You may want to increase the number of buffers, although I'm not sure how much...there may be a draw back to having too many.

Also on the same tab make sure that the Audio Driver Bit Depth matches the bit depth of your soundcard. Is it a 16, 20 or 24 bit sound card?

Furthermore, the sound card itself may have a console/mixer utility that you can bring up in Windows, not Sonar. In it you may be able to increase its buffer size. I know I can for my Motu 2408 mkII.

Good luck.
