Problem with my Audix F15 overheads...


New member
I have been using a set of Audix F15's as my overheads for drums for the last longest. Last night when we went to record, I noticed that one of the mics had a low level of noise to it. It wasn't super big but it was showing more gain on the meter than the other, which had very little. The other mic would record super clean. I checked both mics in the PA as well and used different cables, so it is definitely a problem with the one mic.

What could be causing this problem? I read somewhere that it is likely a sign that the capsule is going bad. If this is so, can I replace the capsule?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
If you have the standard knowledge of replacing the capsule, I suppose it is possible, UNLESS its glued up or you are not too sure about it then go and visit an audio shop and ask them if they could get the job done for you.
The capsule is not interchangeable like say a AKG 300 series. At approx. $100.00 for a new mic, any repairs could come close if not exceed the cost of replacement. If through process of elimination, you determine without a doubt that the mic is at fault, I would consider buying a new one. You could easily find a pair of MXL 603's (used) for $100, and they do have interchangeable capsules.

Just found a used F15 at a GC in Texas for $39.99 phone# 409-347-3020. There's your cheap replacement.
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