problem with inca under cubase


New member
i could've posted this in the cubase forum.. but actually the problem is the card i guess, and i think the possibilty for a solution is greater in this forum..

i spent a couple of hours installing the inca 88, it was that bad that my pc even didnt boot AT ALL when it should, otherwise it just gave up right after the memory count..

but well it seems to work now (i so hope) - and the newest drivers r correctly installed, no other soundcard installed, onboard soundcard deactivated.

so heres the problem i have: i use cubase sx, so i went to the device settings / vst multitrack, and the inca asio driver was already selected (!) - so it was like, "great, everything should just b perfect this time".. but well if i want to choose the inputs (of which the inca has 8), i can only choose "in 1" and "in 2", however, these two routing options dont actually point to any of the actual inputs..

so yea, i cant record :(

before this card i have the waveterminal 2496 in it (where there were 2 inputs..) - but of course i removed it, and deleted all the drivers.. but it just seems like cubase didnt notice the change.. lol. although it automatically switched to the inca asio driver..

i hope someone can help me out, currently i cant do anything :(